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African Competition Forum

The African Competition Forum (ACF) was launched in Nairobi, Kenya on 3 March 2011. The launch conference was co-hosted by the Kenyan Monopolies and Prices Commission (MPC) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) with support also given by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).
Competition Commission of Bundeskartellamt

The Bundeskartellamt is an independent competition authority whose task is to protect competition in Germany. The protection of competition is a key regulatory objective in a market economy. Only well-functioning competition guarantees a maximum of choice and product diversity enabling consumers to satisfy their needs and companies to optimize their offers.
Visit Competition Commission of BundeskartellamtCompetition Commission of Mauritius

The Competition Commission of Mauritius is a statutory body established in 2009 to enforce the Competition Act 2007. This Act established a competition regime in Mauritius, under which the CCM can investigate possible anticompetitive behavior by businesses. In its investigations, the CCM has considerable powers to compel businesses and others involved to prove information. If it decides that a business’s conduct is anticompetitive, it has strong powers to intervene and correct the situation. Where businesses have been found to be deliberately agreeing to fix prices or share markets, the Commission can impose fines.
Visit Competition Commission of MauritiusCompetition Commission of Singapore

The value proposition of CCS is to provide a robust and enlightened competition regime that forms the enabling framework to grow a vibrant economy with competitive markets and innovative businesses. This will strengthen the ability of domestic companies to compete in the international market. It will also attract foreign investment to Singapore because companies know that they will compete on a level playing field.
Visit Competition Commission of SingaporeCompetition Commission of South Africa

The Competition Commission is a statutory body constituted in terms of the Competition Act, No 89 of 1998 by the Government of South Africa empowered to investigate, control and evaluate restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant positions and mergers in order to achieve equity and efficiency in the South African economy.
Visit Competition Commission of South AfricaInternational Competition Network (ICN)

The International Competition Network (ICN) provides competition authorities with a specialized yet informal venue for maintaining regular contacts and addressing practical competition concerns. This allows for a dynamic dialogue that serves to build consensus and convergence towards sound competition policy principles across the global antitrust community.
Visit International Competition Network (ICN)Ministry of Trade and Industry

The Ministry of Trade and Industry is responsible for the development and management of Namibia’s economic regulatory regime, on the basis of which the country’s domestic and external economic relations are conducted. This Ministry is also responsible for promoting growth and development of the economy through the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies to attract investment, increase trade, develop and expand the country’s industrial base.
Visit Ministry of Trade and IndustryNamibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI)

NCCI's primary responsibilities are to represent the general interest of the business community. To cooperate, through dialogue, with the country’s various private and public sector bodies. To play an advisory role when engaging with the government and other stakeholders. To promote economic development.
Namibia Economist

The Namibia Economist enjoys wide popularity as a specialist business publication. In the local market it is firmly entrenched as the leading public source of business intelligence.
The name Namibia Economist has become synonymous with reliable business reporting and on the marketing side, it is widely regarded as an effective medium to communicate messages to the top echelons of both private and public sectors.
Visit Namibia EconomistThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Established in 1964, UNCTAD promotes the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy. UNCTAD has progressively evolved into an authoritative knowledge-based institution whose work aims to help shape current policy debates and thinking on development, with a particular focus on ensuring that domestic policies and international action are mutually supportive in bringing about sustainable development.
Visit United Nationas Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)Side Navigation
Technical Overview
Explore documentation and details related to the Namibian Competition Act (Act No. 2 of 2003), offering insights into the legal framework governing fair competition in Namibia.
Access forms for complaints, exemptions, and feedback with the Namibian Competition Commission.
Supreme Court Judgement NAMAF vs NaCC 19 July 2017
The Namibian Association of Medical Aid Funds (NAMAF) appealed to the Supreme Court to establish whether the Namib

Gazetted Notice on NAMCOR's Exemption request 14February 2019
Tuesday, 08 Oct 2024Notice of receipt of application for exemption in respect of certain restrictive practices, Competition Act, 2003 (Secti

Mergers Under Investigation 21-10-2024
Monday, 21 Oct 2024Mergers and Acquisitions under investigationPursuant to section 44(1) of the Competition Act, Act No. 2 of 2003, (“the

Gazetted Notice on NAMCOR's Exemption request 14February 2019
Tuesday, 13 Aug 2024Notice of receipt of application for exemption in respect of certain restrictive practices, Competition Act, 2003 (Secti